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Upcycling (English word, recycling from above). Recovery of unused materials to transform them into higher quality products.

Intensive production of clothing and mass overconsumption make the textile industry a disastrous sector at the socio-environmental level: water consumption and pollution, use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, greenhouse gas emissions, forced labor and exploitation of workers and children, the results are deplorable.

The economic model encourages big brands to manufacture more and more to reduce their production costs. They find themselves with stocks of unsold new products and thousands of kilometers of unused fabrics, which they destroy or store in energy-consuming warehouses. Forgotten materials waiting to be desired again: a real treasure to upcycle...

Stop producing, use what exists.

Since the creation of Isakin in 2013, we have made our pants, shirts and coats with fabrics saved from the slaughterhouse: end of rolls from production workshops, scraps of upholstery fabric, old, traditional fabrics, antiques... Our passion for beautiful clothes begins with the love of beautiful, noble and technical materials.

Limited quantities of materials result in small series of clothes, made in independent workshops, in an artisanal manner.

Small quantities are also the choice for a refined wardrobe in opposition to overconsumption. Millions of tonnes of clothing are thrown away every year due to poor quality and rapidly changing fashions. We have developed models that we love to wear, proven cuts, which are made to last.

“We’re not in fashion, we’re in style.”

Rediscovering that feeling that we had, as children, of a sweater or a pair of sneakers that we still remember today, that we wore every day until it wore out: the love of a piece, awareness of its value.

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