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Collab Olow Isakin Kay One

On the occasion of ISAKIN's 10th anniversary, we are happy to present our new collaboration with OLOW and the artist KAY ONE:

An all-over of shapes on a cotton cardigan, designed by the artist KAY ONE *, graffiti legend. Its completely unstructured patchwork style is inspired by energies, directions and frequencies.

View and buy the cardigan online

* Brendan “Kay One” is part of the first wave of Parisian graffiti artists. In 1985, at the age of 15, he began painting in the streets of the French capital, regularly collaborating with other artists such as Mode 2, Bando and the famous NTM crew.

Always in search of the underground avant-garde, he left for London in 1993, invited by Judy Blame, punk iconoclast. There he rubbed shoulders with fashion designers such as Blame and Hardy Blechman, creator of the London clothing brand Maharishi. They influenced his search for the essential, which he applied to his own creative work.

The year 2001 marked an artistic turning point in his productions: back in Paris, he distorted the letters and deconstructed the elements of graffiti into a form of abstraction. In his workshop located in the heart of the Saint-Ouen flea market, he develops the application of his graphics to the design of objects and different layout paths on the walls. He also attaches great importance to the influence of color psychology on human activity, which continually inspires his creations.

In addition to his work of transmission through various projects in educational structures, he always invests the street which fascinates him: his attraction to murals, accessible to the public, is always a real quest, a desire to re-humanize urban spaces and to beautify soulless environments.

Read the cross-interview with Thomas Traoré, creator of ISAKIN and KAY ONE on the Olow website

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